
DRM “ETSI recommended” – What does it really mean? – Your Question Answered

DRM Consortium Vice-Chairman, Dr Simon Keens, attended the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union's DBS (Digital Broadcasting Symposium) 20th annual conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between March 4th - 7th. In his presentation “DRM: Digital Radio Over Any Distance” the Ampegon senior manager summarised the features and benefits...

The DRM Consortium will be again present at the annual Digital Broadcasting Symposium, organised by ABU DBS in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this week. Dr Simon Keens, Sales and Business Development Manager, Ampegon Power Electronics AG and Co-Vice Chairperson, DRM Consortium, Switzerland, will present “DRM - Digital Radio...

Radio and cars are in focus again after the recent UNESCO call upon governments, regulatory bodies, the technology and automotive industries, and all members of the global radio community “to put safeguards in place to ensure that radio continues to thrive, and to protect the...

The DRM Handbook (  freely available in English and Russian on the DRM website has now a new Chinese version, too. The big announcements on DRM coming from China last year, have encouraged the DRM Consortium to release a Chinese version of the DRM Handbook....