
Add DRM radio capability to existing car infotainment system – Your Question Answered

Add DRM radio capability to existing car infotainment system – Your Question Answered

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Is it feasible to add DRM radio capability to existing car infotainment system?

Subhadip Layek, India

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DRM Digital Radio receivers without any additional cost for the consumers are in the cars by millions by now. As of today there are over 4.5 million/45 lakh cars on the road in India (see Indian Automotive Car Industry – Fastest Digital Radio Adoption). With the adoption of DRM to digitise the FM band, these extraordinary figures registered by the automotive industry will increase manyfold. As recently demonstrated by the India car industry in Delhi, adding DRM-FM band reception to existing DRM radio sets can be a simple firmware update and does not require any hardware changes. There is no additional IP royalty.

Therefore, deploying the single DRM standard with a consistent feature set to digitise all the radio bands is the straight forward logical decision.