

The DRM Consortium ( used the BES Conference and Exhibition held recently in New Delhi, India, between 16 and 18 February 2023 to highlight recent achievements and bring new development under the overarching theme “DRM Saves Lives and Keeps Radio in Business”....

In the article published originally by RedTech, DRM Chairman, Ruxandra Obreja argues that the role and importance of digital radio, in particular DRM, might even surpass that of internet in many parts of the world....

Our best specialists will respond in brief to your questions. We will post them regularly. Please submit them in writing and in audio with your picture and we will post the answers here. Please keep your questions short and relevant and send them to: projectoffice@drm. Recently I was...

Our best specialists will respond in brief to your questions. We will post them regularly. Please submit them in writing and in audio with your picture and we will post the answers here. Please keep your questions short and relevant and send them to: projectoffice@drm. I read that DRM specialists will...