
DRM Awareness – Your Question Answered

DRM Awareness – Your Question Answered

Our best specialists will respond in brief to your questions. We will post them regularly. Please submit them in writing and in audio with your picture and we will post the answers here. Please keep your questions short and relevant and send them to: projectoffice@drm.

It seems that it has taken quite some time for DRM to be known worldwide? Why?

(UK digital radio enthusiast)

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There is a chicken-and-egg dilemma here which the DRM consortium is trying to resolve. Nobody knows about DRM until the broadcasters broadcast DRM content. Broadcasters can’t broadcast DRM content and supply advanced features and benefits like emergency warning or education content without a regulatory framework in their country. And there’s no regulatory framework until governments, regulators, broadcasters understand the benefits and take the plunge. And the listeners who do not know about digital radio benefits need to be introduced to digital, need to find out how the new platform can enhance and improve their own lives. Ultimately, they need to demand or be open to benefit from the superior digital audio broadcasting so that there is pressure on the authorities and broadcasters to introduce digital radio. It is a complex and quite closed circle of interdependence that has to function, be clear and attractive to all entities and listeners so that receivers are produced and sold in numbers (but not by the Consortium, a not-for-profit organisation) by manufacturers. The DRM consortium’s efforts are aimed at broadening DRM visibility and knowledge.

The DRM Consortium exists to promote the undisputable superior features of DRM. Nobody will know about DRM until the broadcasters broadcast DRM content and broadcasters cannot broadcast DRM content without a regulatory framework in their country.

Pls check: Q2 2021 | ABU Technical Review (page 8)