
DRM is compatible with existing frequency allotments – Your Questions Answered

DRM is compatible with existing frequency allotments – Your Questions Answered

Our best specialists will respond in brief to your questions. We will post them regularly. Please submit them in writing and in audio with your picture and we will post the answers here. Please keep your questions short and relevant and send them to: projectoffice@drm.

12th October 2020


If a country would like to use on both DAB and DRM, are there pros and cons for this? [Hay Mar Myint]


DRM and DAB are two sister-standards, basically developed by the same group of people and sharing the same feature set and data applications. While DAB was designed with the needs of the big public broadcasters and the frequency availability in central Europe in mind, DRM is designed as a plug-in digital addition/replacement for the analogue AM and FM services – compatible with existing frequency allotments, transmission infrastructure and business cases. In places where DAB(+) is already rolled-out, DRM is the perfect complementing technology to digitize FM band services and to give wide-area coverage.

Digital Radio – European Electronic Communications Code Sends Powerful Message to Countries Adopting DRM Globally