
DRM Reconfigurations – Your Question Answered

DRM Reconfigurations – Your Question Answered

Our best specialists will respond in brief to your questions. We will post them regularly. Please submit them in writing and in audio with your picture and we will post the answers here. Please keep your questions short and relevant and send them to: projectoffice@drm.

DRM broadcasts can be reconfigured in order to re-arrange channel-, and service-configuration.
I wonder which types of reconfigurations are most common and when they are expected to happen?

(Anonymous digital radio enthusiast, USA)

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As a general note regarding reconfigurations, one thing to point out straight away is that from the way it has been initially set up the DRM standard offers full support for all reconfigurations as this is right from the start a minimum receiver requirement (MMR). The document on MRR is posted freely available under

In this respect, there is no prioritisation or classification of how important a specific event is for a reconfiguration to take place. The document simply states: “The DRM Receiver shall handle all reconfigurations.” and, therefore, there is no certain time during the day or a specific moment when a receiver should expect a reconfiguration.