The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union Digital Broadcasting Symposium was an event which DRM supported by sponsoring Session 2 on “New Technologies & Standards – What’s New, What’s Next” and a DRM workshop. A keynote presentation was given on “DRM in Asia-Pacific” by the DRM Consortium Chair, Ruxandra Obreja, on 5th March followed by a fulsome one on the India Roll-Out, delivered by Alexander Zink (Fraunhofer IIs) on March 7th. This was immediately followed by the DRM Implementation workshop held the same day in the afternoon. The participants attending the workshop were very interested in digital radio and represented countries with genuine interest in DRM (Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc.)
The workshop benefited from the contribution of Alexander Zink (DRM Vice-Chair), Radu Obreja (DRM Marketing Director); Lindsay Cornell (BBC, Chair DRM Technical Committee); Chuck Kelly (Nautel); Tom King (Kintronics) and Ruxandra Obreja.