Digital Radio Mondiale introduced to the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) General Conference in Glasgow

The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Consortium took part for the first time in the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) General Conference held at the new BBC headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland, May 11th-14th 2014.

This year the biennial international event focused on the place of music in broadcasting in a digital globalised world. The debate benefitted from most interesting contributions coming from the Director General of the BBC World Service Group and top managers and experts from New  Zealand, Pakistan, Namibia, Malaysia, Australia, Jamaica, India and UK.

During the event, DRM Consortium Chair, Ruxandra Obreja, made a presentation entitled “Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) — The Best Sound of Music,” where she demonstrated the high sound quality and improved listener experience provided by digital radio in AM, possible after the adoption of the new xHE-AAC codec. The contacts with the large African representatives’ group reinforced the idea that digitising (TV) and increasingly radio is high on the agenda of these countries. They shared information on how they are trying to look for the best option to use existing infrastructure, cover large areas and communities for which radio remains a huge and much loved medium.

The CBA event, held in the most welcoming environment of the new BBC Scotland headquarters on the banks of the river Clyde, was a big opportunity to update participants on the latest DRM developments and the benefits of the technology for their listeners, broadcasters and industry. There was a lot of interest and comment on the advantages of DRM. Also questions on the part of the presentation showing how one DRM medium wave transmitter carrying up to four programmes over an area of 600 kilometres at drastically reduced energy costs was clearly superior to the at least 15 FM transmitters carrying one programme over the same area at much higher energy consumption and therefore costs.

DRM also announced in Glasgow that the CBA, the largest global association of public service broadcasters in the world, will partner with the Consortium in promoting the yearly DRM Enterprise Award.


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