The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)™ Consortium, its members and partners will have the richest and most complete presence to date at the 21st International Broadcasting Engineering Society of India (BES) conference and exhibition on terrestrial and satellite broadcasting, held in New Delhi, India, between 15th – 17th January 2015
DRM experts representing companies like Ampegon, Analog Devices, Fraunhofer IIS, Nautel, NXP, Radio Haugaland, RFmondial and Visteon will contribute to the conference programme focusing on issues like: revitalisation of radio, DRM-the digital future of FM, cost-saving implementation of digital radio, broadcast meets broadband, industry implementation of DRM. The Digital Radio Mondiale presence will be enriched with the Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF) tutorial and demo that will include sender and receivers. At both ends of the transmission chain participants will be able to experience on consumer and professional receivers the full xHE-AAC audio, the Journaline service and the EWF demo.
If you want to press the “red emergency” button and test this extra benefit or experience DRM in excellent sound quality accompanied by text, and the new DRM receiver developed in and produced for India, then please come along to the DRM booth hosted by Nautel (Booth 62-64) next to the Ampegon (Booth 69).
You will also have a chance to experience DRM in car through the good effort of NXP and Visteon. Visteon’s digital radio concept represents the first DRM™ solution designed specifically for the India automotive market and near-FM sound quality, ease-of-use and wide range of audio content, text and data. In BES 2015, Visteon will demonstrate its “Open Air” platform which will demonstrate how DRM can enhance the consumer experience through data services (e.g.Journaline), audio services like (music and speech) in more than one language in parallel, sound quality, easier tuning and selection of programs.
Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman, hopes that BES 2015 will set the right tone for the DRM standard in a market full of potential like India: “At BES we want to demonstrate that the DRM standard is not for the future but for now. It can offer content in several languages simultaneously, thus enabling “unity in diversity”, spectrum efficiency and energy savings of up to 75%. The broadcasters, the manufacturing industry, as well as millions of listeners, can and should all benefit from it already.”
If you want to come and experience digital radio for yourself at the BES Expo 2015 and meet senior DRM experts, come to the DRM booth 62 (Nautel). For more information please write to: