DRM Brings New Angles and Information to DBS

The DRM Consortium started its presentations at the DBS, a key event in the DRM calendar, On April the 5th. The DRM Chairman, Ms Ruxandra Obreja stressed the versatility and modernity of the standard in her presentation “Deploying the DRM in full – AM and VHF (extended application and services)”. Watch HERE.


This was also an introduction to the up to the minute presentation “DRM – Some Findings after the Recent DRM FM Trial in India” given by Alexander Zink, Senior Business Development Manager, Digital Radio & Streaming Applications, Fraunhofer IIS and Yogendra Pal, Hon. Chairman, DRM India Chapter on April 6th . With concrete examples and details about the recent trial in Delhi and Jaipur the two speakers argued why DRM is the best and most suitable system to digitise the FM band. The DBS presentation detailed how the DRM Consortium, its international and Indian members and supporters, demonstrated extensively the DRM features allowing radio innovation for broadcasters and listeners, excellent overage, flexibility, spectrum and power efficiency, best sue of “white spaces” and proven CTI spectrum compliance. The presenters also introduced the DRM receivers in operation during the trial, all supporting DRM in both AM and FM bands. These were standalone and car receivers (line-fit and customer installed receiver upgrades). DRM reception on mobile phones and tablets, portable and desktop radios, as well as professional monitoring receivers were also showcased.


On April 7th (1500-1600 MYT DRM is conducting a hands-on workshop presenting for the first time a novel solution for distance learning during its practical workshop on) “Digital Radio DRM Enables Distance Learning”. This will detail the technical basis for distance learning through DRM, how Journaline helps with the audio services and general scheduling. This will be followed by a practical demo and give you a hands-on chance to schedule learning with DRM.

Presenters: Alexander Zink, DRM Vice- Chairman, Markus Tauber, systems engineer, Fraunhofer IIS, Guido Leisker consultant engineer, Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman.


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