The first day of the recent German DRM Platform conference featured presentations demonstrations, and discussions of the worldwide applications of Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF). EWF is a feature of DRM that provides a pre-warning of disasters as well as information during disasters through a radio device. Dr. Jörg Szarzynski (Deputy Director, Education Program Director of the United Nations, Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn) was invited as a guest speaker and he stressed that EWF is an important application for the UN and needs to be strongly encouraged. In DRM projects, the ability of EWF should be and is demonstrated and supported by the DRM Consortium.
On the second day, Joachim Lehnert reported on the final work of the Digital Radio Board of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) that published the so called ‘Action Plan for the Transition to Digital Radio’. The German DRM Platform has achieved, alongside DAB as the main topic, DRM should also be mentioned as the suitable digital broadcasting system for local radio.
Then Professor Marcus Purat reported on the current mobile and stationary propagation measurements achieved with the DRM shortwave transmitter of the Beuth University in Berlin, which was part of a master thesis. Detlef Pagel, vice-chair of the German Platform, presented the RFmondial funding application to the BMVI for “data transmission to ships”, which is to be implemented via DRM.
Joachim Lenhert, DRM German Platform Chairman