The power of distance presentation allowed DRM experts to hold two very successful webinars in the week that the Consortium held its own Steering Board and addressed Malaysian specialists in an event organised by The Local Standards Institute MTSBF.
On the 8th of July the DRM Consortium and the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) kicked off a series of 3 training seminars under the overarching theme of “DRM – the Complete Solution for all Coverage Needs” (July, August, September) The first of the series was focused with a look at DRM in the AM bands. The technical presentations were doubled by real life examples brought for example by the BBC to the attention of the over 100 participants. The first “lecturers” represented Ampegon (Simon Keens), BBC (Robert Webber), Fraunhofer IIS (Alexander Zink), DRM India (Yogendra Pal), DRM Marketing Director (Radu Obreja), all key members of the Consortium.
The second webinar in the series will concentrate on DRM in the FM band and will be scheduled at the beginning of August.
On July 9th, the DRM Consortium. in its first collaboration with the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB/UAR), introduced DRM and one of its main benefits which links audio and data (visual data) in demonstrating DRM as a cheap and far-reaching tool for enhancing distance education in Africa. For the first time, over 50 participants from countries as far apart as Senegal, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and many more, participated and asked questions about the standard itself, the bands it can cover, the receiver availability and the possibilities of distributing DRM information via mobile, hot-spots etc. Alex Zink of Fraunhofer IIS, Radu Obreja, DRM Marketing Director and Thembeka Khaka, DRM Africa representative stressed the advantages of DRM and its versatile uses.
If you want to find out more about DRM, its future events, DRM itself by downloading the DRM handbook or listen to current transmissions live on air please go to