On July 27th, the DRM representative in South Africa, Aldred Dryer, convened and introduced a full (virtual) presentation and update on DRM to a select group of broadcasters, technical experts, industry, academia representatives from South Africa and Lesotho. It is the first such event addressing South African stakeholders after the painful hiatus imposed by COVID.
The presentation made by Aldred Dreyer, Ruxandra Obreja (DRM chair), Simon Keens (Ampegon and DRM vice-chair), Radu Obreja (DRM marketing director) touched upon aspects of DRM roll-out in the world, the business advantages of the standard, its ease of implementation in AM and FM, as well as the various receivers and receiver solutions that can fit the South African environment. An illustrated part of the presentation addressed practically the question of the energy saving and the extra services that can be delivered through the DRM platform like emergency warning or distance learning. The presentation focused on new aspects of DRM like multi-broadcast DRM configuration from one single FM-transmitter, DRM and the automotive industry, as well as the extra services offered by DRM. The questions reflected the interest and good understanding of the DRM standard and its place within the DSB policy of South Africa.
As Alfred Dreyer said: “this event was also a chance to properly introduce the DRM SA Group and to invite all to join the DRM SA group in order to achieve our strategic objectives and see a whole raft of activities being achieved with the involvement of as many interested parties in South Africa as possible.”