Under the theme “DRM Benefits in Times of Crisis,” the DRM Consortium in collaboration with Asia-Pacific Broadcast Union (ABU) and Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) held jointly and very successfully the first session of its two-part interactive DRM webinar.
Over 150 participants listened actively to the multi-media presentation and enjoyed a varied session on some of the key DRM benefits and what makes the standard so useful in times of crisis and disasters.
If you have missed today’s session, do not worry as the second part will take the subject further. You can join this second webinar on Thursday 30th April 2020 (0800 UTC, 0900 BST – London and Tunis time, 1600 MYT, Kuala Lumpur time).
This second part of the “DRM Benefits in Times of Crisis) webinar will summarise some of the points and updates introduced today and will concentrate on beneficial aspects of local, regional and national coverage with DRM and will give a short update on DRM receivers. Participants will also have a chance to witness (and possibly try their hand at) Content Server hands-on configuration of Journaline distance learning and emergency warning functionality.
The speakers will include next week: Ruxandra Obreja (DRM Chair), Alexander Zink (Vice-Chair), Simon Keens (Ampegon), Jan Bremer (NXP) and Radu Obreja (DRM Marketing Director).
The questions kept coming during the webinar today and we are expecting more from you until next Thursday.
So please do not forget to get in touch with us and register