ETSI produces globally applicable standards for Information & Communications Technologies including fixed, mobile, radio, broadcast, internet, aeronautical and other areas.
In December, ETSI published new versions of the interface standards for DRM – the Multiplex Distribution Interface (MDI) and Receiver Status and Control Interface (RSCI). These new versions contain the additions needed to allow robustness mode E (DRM+) to be included. In line with the numbering of the DRM system specification, ETSI ES 201 980, these two documents, ETSI TS 102 820 (MDI) and ETSI TS 102 349 (RSCI) are now at version 3.1.1 to indicate the inclusion of DRM+. ETSI also published a minor revision to the underlying DCP specification, ETSI TS 102 821. All DRM standards can be downloaded for free from the ETSI website,
Written by Lindsay Cornell, Chairman DRM Technical Committee.