The DRM Consortium held a successful workshop in Delhi on August 21st, showing on tablet and receiver the emergency warning capability of DRM which is part and parcel of the DRM standard. Alexander Zink, Vice Chair DRM TechnicalCommittee, Senior BDM Digital Radio Digital Radio at Fraunhofer IIS, presented extra features of DRM and demonstrated live on a Digidia and then on an Ampegon content server how the emergency warning as text and audio can be received by the listeners, the modalities of configuring the services and all the stages for delivering a nationally successful service.
The over 50 participants came with many questions and could see equipment and receivers delivering the emergency warning functionality of DRM.
The workshop was held by the DRM Consortium together with All India Radio (AIR) at the high frequency transmitter site in Delhi from where the DRM is being broadcast.
The workshop was opened by Engineer in Chief of AIR and DRM Consortium Chairman, Ruxandra Obreja.