Your Questions Answered: DRM in the AM and FM bands in India?

As a DRM supporter I was recently asked to explain in few words why Indian stations should introduce DRM in AM and FM in India?

(Indian supporter)

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is a major global and open digital radio standard for all bands (like mediumwave and VHF Band II (FM). Initially, DRM was seen as very well-suited for long-distance broadcasting, with excellent audio and several other benefits, which are shared across AM and FM. One is efficient spectrum use as DRM enables the transmission of multiple services within a smaller bandwidth of only 100 kHz (i.e. half the bandwidth of an analog FM transmission of 200 kHz), increasing channel availability. DRM is compatible with existing infrastructure as it can operate on existing AM and FM frequency bands, within the current channelization, allowing for a more cost-effective transition from analogue to digital broadcasting.

DRM provides FM-like sound quality for AM stations and enhances FM band digital services as well, up to 5.1 surround sound. And, very importantly, DRM also offers additional services, i.e., data services like multimedia content which enables emergency warnings, distance learning, traffic information.

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