Digital Radio Mondiale DRM – Enhancing Distance Education to Africa webinar

Digital Radio Mondiale DRM – Enhancing Distance Education to Africa” The DRM Consortium, in its first significant collaboration with the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) is planning a joint interactive webinar session on July 9th (0900 – 1100 UTC)

The aim of the webinar is to share with the technical staff and journalists/content creators of the major broadcasting African organisations the advantages and benefits of the only all-band digital audio broadcasting standard. One of these great advantages is delivering audio and visual content that can be effectively used to make available information and education to everyone and even those in the most remote corners of this huge continent.During the 120 minute webinar the participants will learn how Digital Radio Mondiale DRM can be as effective in delivering rich and tailored teaching material to millions of students who have no access to IP connections and devices. The webinar will be theoretical but also practical and interactive as its starting premise and conclusion is that DRM can deliver education and information to a maximum number of citizens in today’s world. 


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