On 18th October, Marcelo Goedert (representative of the DRM Consortium in Brazil) gave a presentation during the AGERT conference (Gaucho Association of Broadcasters radio and Television). Marcelo addressed the President of AGERT (Mr. Alexandre Gadret) and an audience of more than 30 members, including representatives from major and smaller radio of the Gaucho network.
In his presentation Marcelo Goedert explained the advantages of the DRM digital radio standard and he was supported in his task by DRM manufacturer João Marcos Bertoldi – BT transmitters, which already produce a DRM ready transmitter.
AGERT members appreciated the fact the DRM system is an open source that allows the development of national applications without the need of a license or permission. DRM works with robustness and quality in all bands. In SW, AM or FM DRM is arguably the best.
Finally DRM representatives highlighted the creation of the Brazil DRM Platform which promotes the DRM standard as the digital radio solution for Brazil. Read article in Portuguese