This was first my first NAB Convention in Las Vegas and I was really excited to witness how well received and successful the three events hosted by DRM exhibiting members were, given that most of the visitors’ attention was monopolised by the hundreds of booths and presentations already taking place at the same time. The aim of the three events held on three successive days was to demonstrate DRM’s full potential as an open, energy-saving standard and new practical solutions for transmitting and receiving DRM. Also, despite the fact HD being the predominant standard in the USA, we received many enquiries about DRM’s comparative performances and the potential of setting up DRM trials in the US and other parts of the world.
During the Continental-Transradio event, on the first day of the convention, experts stressed the advantages of DRM30 as a highly efficient and economical solution that can deliver up to 80% energy savings. Visitors also listened to the much improved new version of the new DRM30/FM receiver: the DR111.
Nautel highlighted recent DRM+ trials in Europe, Asia and most recently Vatican City and presented latest developments and new DRM+ equipment. Hal Kneller (DRM Steering Board member representing Nautel), said they were “delighted to showcase live Nautel transmitter equipment broadcasting a number of DRM multimedia features including Slide Show“.
Finally, Thomson Broadcast discussed the merits of a transition from analogue radio to DRM30, which can help deliver more content via the existing FM infrastructure without the immediate need for masses of new receivers.
The three very well attended DRM events (over 240 people) demonstrated the increased interest in DRM broadcasting as the standard is now fully recommended by ITU for both AM (DRM30) and VHF (DRM+). It was quite a baptism of fire for a newcomer to NAB like myself. Tiring but rewarding.
Charlotte Cabrero