Broadcast Australia and Radio-Television Malaysia (RTM) have recently bought new DRM- ready short wave transmitters. Both broadcasters have chosen the same state-of-the-art Continental Model 418G-DRM transmitters for this upgrade.
Broadcast Australia has asked Continental Electronics to supply two new DRM-ready 100 kilowatt transmitters for two of its short-wave stations. The purchase represents the first step in Broadcast Australia’s plan to enhance its digital short-wave (HF) broadcast capabilities throughout its network of transmitters. These transmitters will enable Broadcast Australia to transmit programming in analogue AM and digital (DRM) modes from both stations, Tenant Creek and Shepparton. Both of Broadcast Australia’s new transmitters are expected to be on the air and fully operational by late summer.
Radio-Television Malaysia is getting three 100 kilowatt DRM-ready HF transmitters from Continental along with other associated equipment that are to be installed in the RTM Transmitting Station at Kajang, and will enable RTM transmissions in digital DRM format as well as conventional analogue AM. RTM’s new HF transmitters were shipped from CEC factory the end of May and are expected to be on the air and fully operational before the end of the year.
Click here to read the complete press release.