The Power of DRM in Shortwave Felt Across Asia-Pacific

Radio New Zealand’s new 100 kW shortwave DRM transmitter was installed last year at Rangitaiki Transmitter Centre and is fully operated by the New Zealand public broadcaster (

The sound quality of these transmissions is excellent, as demonstrated in this short video of a programme also received in Kerala, India, 11,400 kms north-east of New Zealand on a Gospell GR-216 DRM radio a few days ago. The state of Kerala is 17,680 kms away from the Pacific Islands, the actual target of the RNZ DRM broadcasts. This proves once again the power of the global, open DRM standard.

The RNZ DRM transmission schedules (days, times and frequencies) towards the Pacific Islands of Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands can be found listed on their website:

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