Your Questions Answered: Emergency Warning Systems Still Function After Earthquake Without Power?

If there is an earthquake, the power goes out and the mobile or TV tower collapses, will the early warning system for disasters still function?

(Participant in digital radio Indonesian workshop)

Radio or terrestrial broadcasting is the line of last resistance in the face of great natural calamities. DRM, being an all-band standard (AM and VHF) can still send signals over the airwaves if the FM towers, for example, are still operational. In case there is a total disaster and wipe-out of local infrastructure, the DRM standard is the only one that can ensure text, graphics, maps information, in one or several languages, can still be sent into the affected area. The Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF) of DRM is hard-wired into the standard. Nevertheless, what is needed, is that receivers are on or in standby mode and can receive the EWF. This must be mandated from the beginning, when the decision is taken by the authorities to implement DRM in a country. When the internet, mobiles, TV and, even electricity, have failed due to a natural or man-made disaster, DRM can still save lives.

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