Press Release
The Digital Radio Mondiale Consortium will once again have a strong presence at the upcoming Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union Digital Broadcasting Symposium, 5-8 April (
DBS is a key event in the DRM calendar, and this year the first presentation “Deploying the DRM in full – AM and VHF (extended application and services)” will be given by Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman, on the first day, April 5th in Session 2, 1210-1310 (MYT).
This will be an introduction to the up to the minute presentation “DRM – Some Findings after the Recent DRM FM Trial in India” given by Alexander Zink, Senior Business Development Manager, Digital Radio & Streaming Applications, Fraunhofer IIS and Yogendra Pal, Hon. Chairman, DRM India Chapter on April 6th (Session 6, 1610-1710 MYT).
DRM is bringing for the first time a novel solution for distance learning during its practical workshop on April 7th (1500-1600 MYT) “Digital Radio DRM Enables Distance Learning”.
The workshop will be introduced by Ruxandra Obreja and led by Alexander Zink, Markus Tauber, systems engineer, Fraunhofer IIS and Guido Leisker consultant engineer.
Participants in the workshop will learn about a. the technical basis for distance learning through DRM, b. Journaline, audio services and scheduling specific to distance learning, c. practical demo and d. hands-on scheduling for distance learning with DRM.
Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium Chair, says that: “With our fresh and insightful presentations and the practical DRM solution for schooling workshop we are trying to inspire, engage, enhance and show that DRM has made great strides despite the pandemic and the changed media landscape resulting from this and that it is a solution for 2021 and the future.”
To attend the workshop, please contact
About DRM
Digital Radio Mondiale™ (DRM) is the universal, openly standardised, non-proprietary digital radio system for all broadcasting frequencies and coverage needs.
DRM on short, medium and long wave up to 30 MHz provides for the efficient coverage in large areas with at least FM quality, while significantly reducing power consumption. DRM in the FM & VHF bands above 30 MHz enables flexible local and regional broadcaster-controlled services, with up to 3 stereo audio programmes plus multimedia components in half the bandwidth of a single analogue FM signal.
Advanced radio functionality thanks to DRM comprises: More services based on the highly efficient audio codec MPEG xHE-AAC and free-to-air Journaline multi-lingual text information, detailed service signalling, service linking (including to analogue AM/FM services) and DRM EWF – Emergency Warning Functionality. Enhanced DRM features include native Unicode support, station logos via SPI, Slideshow images and traffic and travel information.
The DRM Consortium was awarded by ITU for its outstanding contribution to the Telecommunications sector over the past years and has signed the EBU Smart Radio Memorandum that promotes access to free to air radio on all devices.
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