
DRM Multichannel Part of the RFmondial Modulator

The great advantage of the digital radio standard DRM is its flexibility, which leads to cost efficient implementations for all broadcasters. For DRM in the FM bands, a method called DRM multichannel proofs such an advantage as its only bandwidth of a little less than...

Our best specialists will respond in brief to your questions. We will post them regularly. Please submit them in writing and in audio with your picture and we will post the answers here. Please keep your questions short and relevant and send them to: projectoffice@drm. Is there a reasonable budget price...

"Big and populous countries like India, China, Indonesia and Pakistan still need a wide-range, cheap platform for news dissemination" At IBC, Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) made several big announcements about three major Asian countries (Indonesia, China and Pakistan) embracing DRM. Read the full article on

Our best specialists will respond in brief to your questions. We will post them regularly. Please submit them in writing and in audio with your picture and we will post the answers here. Please keep your questions short and relevant and send them to: projectoffice@drm. Is it true...