AIR starts ‘News channel’ and ‘Cricket Commentary of ICC World Cup Matches’ on DRM Digital Radio
All India Radio (AIR) has a large network of 35 MW DRM transmitters out of which 2 (Delhi and Chennai) are broadcasting in pure DRM
All India Radio (AIR) has a large network of 35 MW DRM transmitters out of which 2 (Delhi and Chennai) are broadcasting in pure DRM
In the next month, Russia will begin DRM test in the VHF band. The DRM technology will be presented together with the Russian companies DIGITON,
On June 1st the capital of Hungary, Budapest, started being covered by DRM signals in shortwave. This is the culmination of a long technological development
The Digital Radio Mondiale Consortium participated for the first time in the Meeting of regional Broadcasting organizations and Transmitting equipment manufacturers (MBT) hosted by Antenna Hungária Zrt. At